Hjerteforeningens patientstøtter og frivillige forældre tilbyder hjerte-kar-patienter, hjertebørns forældre og pårørende erfaringsbaserede samtaler på fem hospitaler i Danmark. Forskningsprojektet skal undersøge hvilke betydninger denne støtte har for patienter og forældre, og hvordan samtaletilbuddet kan tilrettelægges, så Hjerteforeningen bedst muligt imødekommer patienters og forældres behov.

Praktisk information og kontaktoplysninger

In english

Exploration and development of voluntary patient support in hospitals in Denmark – qualitative practice research

Volunteers of the Danish Heart Foundation offer supportive conversations to hospitalized cardiovascular patients in five hospitals in Denmark. However, there is no research-based knowledge of how this intervention matter to patients.

The number of volunteers in Danish hospitals is steadily increasing and many patient organizations offer peer-to-peer conversations by volunteers in hospitals. However, approaches, methods and effects of interventions are rarely described. Knowledge about how to qualify the intervention is internationally called for.

Research contribution
Practice research
Practical information